“Brine discharge does not represent a short term temporary impact but repeated impacts over the next 30-40 year period.” – RSPB
About us
Islandmagee Energy (Infrastrata) intend solution mining salt strata under Larne Lough to create 7 huge (180m high) caverns for gas storage (size of the Shard building in London) with the by-product of POISONOUS HYPERSALINE BRINE being discharged directly into the sea off Islandmagee at 1000m’ per hour per day for years creating a DEADZONE. The discharge area is a protected marine area (“dSAC) with protected species, with an SPA, 4 ASSI’s and 2 nature reserves nearby. The company requires a MARINE LICENCE which is currently undergoing a review.
Planning permission was granted in 2012 —a review of this permission is also now required in accordance with Reg 49 & 50 of the Conservation (Natural Habitats) Regulations 1995, due to new environmental designations.
A public consultation has taken place — we wait for updated information and further response. Northern Ireland Marine Task Force (NIMTF) represent 10 environmental groups in NI – RSPB, Ulster Wildlife, National Trust & Friends of the Earth ALL OBJECT TO THE PROJECT:
“We consider that the risk of permanent injury and displacement of harbour porpoise is not in support of the conservation objectives for the site.” NIMTF
“We object to a marine licence . Species that could be impacted include puffins, terns and harbour porpoises.” RSPB

- We believe wholeheartedly the Islandmageee Gas Cavern Project will have diverse environmental and long term detrimental damage.
- We believe wholeheartedly the Islandmageee Gas Cavern Project will have diverse environmental and long term detrimental damage.
- 1000m3 of poisonous hypersaline brine discharged per hour per day for years into the sea creating a deadzone.
- Gas storage is not necessary in Northern Ireland
- No consultation on cavern construction, safety or end of life project- Who pays if things go wrong?
- Caverns uses – NOT LIMITED TO GAS
- Only 11 permanent jobs created
- Risks to harbour porpoise, seals and bird life (Roseate, Tern, Puffin) = Risks to tourism and leisure industry

“Inappropriate timing of the surveys” “Insufficient nature of information provided in application documents” “Absence of scientific clarity” RSPB
Impact on wildlife could have a significant impact on tourism, a key source of employment & leisure activities on Islandmagee with a recent £7.5M investment into the Gobbins Cliff Path with plans progressing for a futher £11M investment.
GAS CAVERNS CONCERNS GSNI have called for proper evaluation of several thin intrusions found in the salt core – could these impact the integrity of the salt caverns? Plus lack of information & consultation for cavern construction & end of life of project.
• Noise
• Lighting
• Blasting
• Pollution
• HSENI deem it high risk – could it increase home insurance costs? Property devaluations?
THERE IS NO NEED FOR THIS PROJECT – gas supply is secure in NI. To make the project commercially viable the company propose to send gas from the storage back to GB. This would require reverse gas flow of the Scotland Northern Ireland Pipeline (SNIP) at an estimated cost of £60M. NI CONSUMERS MAY END UP HELPING TO PAY FOR THIS PROJECT.

What others are saying
“The health of the marine environment, its protected habitats and species found off Islandmagee are under considerable threat if a marine licence application for a gas storage project is granted by DAERA” – RSPB
“We are seriously concerned about the potential for temporary and permanent hearing loss to harbour porpoise and grey seals… potential for disturbance and loss of feeding opportunities for marine mammals and seabirds within important foraging grounds” – ULSTER WILDLIFE
“Brine discharge does not represent a short term temporary impact but repeated impacts over the next 30-40 year period.” – RSPB
NIMTF – Representing 10 environmental groups object